Type with ease and worry free with this tabbed text editor. Supports plain text (txt) documents and custom text (bwd/bwp) formats for basic text styling and image support (bwp). With a built-in spell checker, multiple word wrap modes and hassle free manuscript mode, combined with an extensive backup system that ensures you'll never lose any work again, no matter what happens, writing has never been smoother. Plus work on multiple documents at once and easily switch between them fast.

Type text freely without worry over data loss ever again with the built-in backup systems
- Plain text documents (TXT)
- Enhanced Text documents (BWD) - text and styling (bold, italic etc)
- Advanced Text documents (BWP) - text, styling, alignment and image support
- Portable
- Customisable GUI - choose from different colors, frames, fonts etc
- Multi-level undo/redo
- Custom built text box using low-level wordcore engine by Blaiz Enterprises
- English Dictionary with 296,800+ words
- Integrated backup system - automatically save backups during significant document changes
- Backup folder option - click to save folder contents to a ZIP archive
- Realtime word count
- Realtime words typed (persistent)
- Realtime word rate (words typed per hour - persistent)
- Word Wrap Styles: None, Window, Page, Page + 2x (double line) and Manuscript
- Find text option
- Spell check option
- Edit main dictionary and supplementary dictionaries 1 and 2
- Does not support unicode - ascii text only
App Name
Desktop App (Standard Edition)
Release Date
10th November 2023
Code Foundation
4th Generation (Gossamer for GUI)
Operating System(s)
Windows 95-11 and Wine for Linux and Mac
(not Win10s/11s)

Type text freely without worry over data loss ever again with the built-in backup systems

Edit menu with options

Create new documents easily, edit dictionary etc.

Color scheme changed to black
Online Help
AboutTabbed text editor. Plain text (txt) and custom text (bwd/bwp) document formats. Spell checker. Word wrap. Manuscript mode. Extensive backup system so you'll never lose work again. Switch rapidly between files.
Infinite is portable and will run from within the folder you downloaded to.
⏶Manuscript ModeClick the 4th column from the right at the bottom of the window marked "Wrap:" until it reads "Wrap: Manuscript". Text is displayed in manuscript mode.
⏶Text ControlInfinite uses a custom built text control based on the low-level wordcore engine by Blaiz Enterprises. The text control supports ANSI text at this stage. Support for UTF-8 is not currently available. All operations such as alignment, spell checking, image rendering, text rendering down to the pixel level is performed internally by custom code, independent of the operating system. Normal text API calls are not used.
⏶License AgreementCompany name and all software products contained on our websites are the intellectual property, copyrights and trademarks of Blaiz Enterprises.
All title, copyrights and intellectual property rights in and to the software product and content, and any copies thereof, are the property of Blaiz Enterprises.
Blaiz Enterprises grants to you the right to use the software product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software product. Any alteration or attempt to alter the original software product will cause a fatal error to occur and the product to become dysfunctional.
Any use of the software product is at your own risk. Blaiz Enterprises disclaim all warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied. In no event shall Blaiz Enterprises be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business, profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product.